FREE trial

Enroll in MyCaseRecords 30-Day Trial Free!

Enroll in MyCaseRecords and enjoy 30 days free. No charges, no fees! You can cancel anytime.

At the end of your 30-Day Trial, your card will be charged only for the number of users you have, or you can simply cancel and there will be no charges.

MyCaseRecords is delivered through a monthly subscription model (pay-as-you-go).
This method of payment is more affordable than traditional software purchases, which often involve large, up-front license fees and expensive hardware purchases. MyCaseRecords service model allows for a small, all-inclusive monthly fee, which protects you from hidden costs (such as maintenance, software and hardware upgrade, internal and offsite support fees) that can quickly add up to as much as 3-5 times your original implementation costs.




MyCaseRecords is web based practice management software for substance abuse counselors and other behavioral health professionals. MyCaseRecords case management system assists in increasing operational efficiency of drug rehabilitation centers and other substance abuse facilities. Features include automation of treatment plans & notes, workflow & document management.